Well. I have been working for a long time to move DiagROM to a new codingenvironment.

From to be totally made in AsmPRO in an emulator I have now moved the whole codebase to PC based on VisualCode.

Meanwhile I also have totally remade the initcode.but the rest is more or less a 1:1 move from the old code.

One big change is that I changed the baudrate on the serialport to 19200. Hopefully this will work fine as that will improve speed of menus and tests especially when serialport is enabled. This is something that can be changed at any time.

Anyway as this is a early alfa. this version is NOT ok to sell unless you charge for the eprom and the eprom ONLY!. I would not recomend people to use this version as only source for troubleshooting. EVEN if it is the same old codebase. there are so much changes in the backgroud so while “ALFA” is mentioned in the code. it can blow up the world. it can bug and not to be trusted.

but PLEASE. yes PLEASE do report all your findings to chucky@thegang.nu

SOURCES? well later. not now. will need to clean shit up first!


on the downloadpage as DAILY..