DiagROM V0.7 Just realeased

Time for a new Versionbump.

After some work I have now come to the point that I think the code is ready for the next Stable version.

Just download it from: http://www.diagrom.com/index.php/download/

There have not been that much input, but some and bugreports have been very useful so please, tell me more. and also ideas what needs to be done.  and if you actually DO have examplecode how to test different things, do tell me.


I have plans to release the source lateron aswell. But I need to tidy up the code. AND even if I do release the source. how to maintain changes etc?  ideas?


Anyway, what is new?

  • Lots of bugfixes, now keyboard works decent, serial works good, mouseinput works.
  • Added more memorytest options
  • Added a very BASIC keyboardtest
  • Added a very BASIC Joystick/Gameport test
  • Added a IRQ test
  • Errorhandling of traps like illegal instruction etc, if you have instabilityissues.


Oh lots of more stuff as:

  • CIA Tests
  • Graphictests
  • DMA tests
  • CPU-Stresstests
  • Adresstests

and much more..


Anyway. Enjoy it.

and I am still searching for defective ICs that still makes your amiga to try to startup but behaves wrong.  So I can try if I am able to detect it.  but Sorry.  I am NOT able to buy anything. I can at some points pay for shipment.  Contact me at: chucky<at>thegang.nu