What is DiagROM?

DiagROM is a diagnostic tool for the amiga computers.

And it is to be used on defective machines, trying to help no-boot situations etc.

You simply replace the Kickstart roms in the Amiga with the DiagROM. and when poweron. your Amiga will start a diagnostic software. It will try to dump info on the serialport (and actual menus etc aswell) while also trying on the screen.

One important thing is that the software relies on as little hardware as possible. so no timers, no IRQ etc. so you can start up the machine on a very broke machine and from that test different things. and hopefully help finding hardwareissues.

The software will be FREE download with an option to donate money but the important thing: IT WILL BE FREE.

And at a later point, the source will be open aswell. but not right now.

You will be able to buy programmed roms for a small fee if you do not have a EPROM Programmer.


18 thoughts on “What is DiagROM?”

  1. Wow, awesome work.
    Please I dont own a programmer so I need a ROM for A600 and another one for A1200 too.
    How much to send to Brazil?
    Best regards.


    1. Well. as the stuff is in a very early beta stage, it will not really feel good to send as they need to be reprogrammed from time to time.
      but sure.. next stable release I could send a batch of 5eur/rom that would be 3 roms in total. 1 for 16bit machines and 2 for 32 bit machines. + shipping.

  2. Hi

    Many thanks for releasing this ROM. Can you say much about what it most likely means if DiagROM can start its GUI the tests all pass, the keyboard works but a real Kickstart ROM (various versions) won’t work? I was stunned when the DiagROM code was able to throw up a GUI, well played sir!

    I am hoping that a working DiagROM with no failed tests leaves only a few likely problems remaining.


    1. I still haven’t done all tests to do a complete diagnose of the machines. so there are problems that my rom cannot detect yet. so that is a “work in progress”

  3. I haven’t tried the DiagROM yet, but seems a great project.
    I received your inquiry on ebay for my flash ROM emulator.
    I can offer a developer discount if you order directly.
    Please contact me for details.

  4. this sounds too good to be true 🙂
    What gear do you recommend to burn EPROMs e.g. for an A3000?

  5. Do you think Diagrom can handle cases like corroded Amiga 4000 mainboard from a leaking battery ? I just get a yellow screen, i.e. Chip-RAM is detected CPU seems to be runnning.
    After cleaning the mainboard the RAM related areas do not look that bad. The clock and battery area do 🙁

  6. Does the DiagROM test the PCMCIA port on A1200? Not sure thats even possible but I’m getting desperate 🙂

  7. First of all, big thanks for this piece of software. It is a very handy tool .
    Nevertheless I stumbled upon an exotic problem with detection of IRQ7. With MC68EC020/14MHz I had very little luck to see “PASS” (less than 2 out of 10 tries). With MC68060/80MHz not even single of my attempts passed. Perhaps timing specific? My modification works OK with bare OS and HRTmon (10/10 attempts), though once pulled down I see quite high voltage on _IPLx lines (silicon diodes forward voltage makes it 0.7V) – would you suggest to use anything lower forward voltage diodes? Could that be problematic with DiagROM (but weirdly enough, not with HRTmon???)

  8. Is there any support for DiagROM? I’ve got a problem with Testscreen 320×200 – it displays mostly fine (but for the first time after some 20-30 sec), but in place of color bars, there is a long bar in the darkest shade of red, only the last 3 red bars have correct color and brightness. Gray bars look correct. All other tests looks fine. Where (which signal) to look for fault?

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