DiagROM V1.0 Released

Amiga32 show opening tomorrow at Neuss/Germany.

I have now for that completed DiagROM V1.0.

For you to use.  for free as usual!

I have been busy doing a lot of hardwarework so not that much coding have been done. (and work .. etc)


Anyway what do we have since last stable:

  • RTC Test improved with OKI Chipset support (but RTC test still is kind of buggy)
  • Remade the autoconfig handling for much better ZorroIII support etc
  • Possability to turn on/off cache in manual memortedit (this WILL crach your machine on 68000/68010)
  • Added an experimental “no chipmem” screen to try to figure out biterrors with rasterbars. (dark bar=dead bit, light bar=working bit)
  • Added support for Amiga 1000 with a limited version of DiagROM
  • Parallel and serialporttests using SysTest compatible loopback adapters
  • Diskdrivetests
  • And.. some internal changes and stuff I actually forgotten



AND I also want to show another great thing I bought a while ago and actually forgot to post about:

I now use Flashrom for my testings etc:

They still need a programmer to be flashed, you cannot do it inline, but still no more UV and crap:


If you are interested in this go to: https://gglabs.us/